Why the Live Gamer HD2 card runs only on the PCI-E x16 slot of my AMD Ryzen 7 3700X processor?
First of all, we advise to read the detailed instructions of your computer’s motherboard. The reason is that on your computer’s motherboard next to the CPU there are two PCIe 3.0x16 (x16 or dual x8) PCIe slots (CPU supported PCIe bus). This means that if you install one device on one slot it will get x16 bandwidth allocated. If you install a second device on the other PCIe slot it will provide x8 bandwidth for each.
In order to get GC570 Live Gamer HD 2 card work on one of these slots you might need to limit the bandwidth for your graphic card (to x8).
If you wouldn’t like to limit the bandwidth of your graphic card, please consider installing Live Gamer HD 2 on the 3rd PCI-e slot (AMD x470 chipset, highlighted on the screenshot) using the extended PCI-e slot of the x470 motherboard.
Note: In general the x8 bandwidth is sufficient for installing the graphic card. It does not necessarily need to be adjusted to x16.