Can I use GC555 on desktop PC with Thunderbolt 3 expansion card?
Yes, this scenario works. Please make sure to use Intel® Thunderbolt ™ 3 certified PCIe expansion card that is compatible with your motherboard.
*How to confirm it? From the Thunderbolt 3 official website in [Category] select "Add-in-Card" in [Version] (PCIe expansion card) select "Thunderbolt 3" then click [Apply] to display all Intel® Thunderbolt ™ 3 certified PCIe expansion cards currently available for sale.
*NOTE: If your computer’s motherboard originally doesn’t support PCIe expansion cards, it won’t be able to detect GC555 properly. For details on motherboards supporting PCIe expansion cards please refer to the motherboard manufacturer’s website.
Typically, Thunderbolt motherboards with expansion cards are limited to the same brand. For example, ASUS motherboards can only use ASUS expansion cards, MSI can only use MSI, and so on.
*We have confirmed that GC555 can work on the following motherboards via the PCIe expansion cards listed below:
- ASUS Z170-A + ASUS ThunderboltEX 3
- MSI Z170A Gaming M5 + ASUS ThunderboltEX 3
- Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 5 + Gigabytes GC-ALPINE RIDGE
*NOTE: based on our testing GC555 does NOT work on - Gigabyte H370 HD3 motherboard with Gigabytes GC-ALPINE RIDGE expansion card.
*Before connecting GC555 to your PC please make sure to run latest Windows update, download and install latest available Thunderbolt 3 driver from your computer manufacturer’s website.
*Please don’t plug or connect other devices such as external HDD or monitor to the Thunderbolt 3 expansion card at the same time otherwise you may encounter bandwidth issues.