開啟了CamEngine,新增來源選擇網路攝影機卻沒有畫面顯示,如何解決呢? 我如何在第三方軟體(例如 Teams、Google Meet)中使用 AVerMedia CamEngine? 我如何在 CamEngine 4 中使用圓剛網路攝影機並在其他第三方應用程式中應用其放大/縮小功能? 我要如何安裝我的網路攝影機? 我怎樣才能停止回音和嘯叫聲? 如何避免在預覽屏幕中出現眼鏡反光? How can I flip and mirror the picture on my webcam How do I temporarily disable my AVerMedia webcam with built-in microphone? Is this webcam compatible with a game console(PS4 /PS5/XBox)?” 當我用Microsoft Teams開始會議時,我的影像變得延遲。我怎樣才能解決這個問題? What is the field of view (in degrees) for the Live Streamer CAM 313 (PW313)? Can I frame the image, crop the main viewing area, or narrow the camera field? I'd like to reduce the size of viewable area. How do I start to use CAM313? I am not sure which software should I install it. Just got the Live Streamer CAM313 and it works fine except get terrible whistle feedback. How do I fix that? 請問網路攝影機,可否固定於腳架上? 如何在 macOS 或 Windows 系統中設置 CAM313 並使用 Zoom? I want to zoom the camera to look the picture . How to change the default zoom to focus on one area? How to set up my headset in Zoom on Windows (Video Conference KIT 317 BO317) Does CAM313/PW313 support audio stereo or mono? How to set up LIVE STREAMER WEBCAM(CAM313/PW313) in Zoom on Mac 當我打開相機時,我的預覽屏幕上出現了連續的閃爍或視頻閃爍。該怎麼做? How to use PW313 in Thin client? 為什麼我的網路攝影機不能與 Windows Hello Face 一起使用? How to use PW313 with green screen for ZOOM recordings? How do I confirm that my webcam is detected fine on my Mac Live stream for OBS 是否能在 Chromebook 使用PW313網絡攝像機 當使用PW313搭配zoom使用,出現"無法啟動視頻"該如何處理呢? How to check the Live Streamer webcam status? Live Stream- Live Gamer MINI - GC311 +Live Streamer CAM 313 (Windows)