如何解決聲音斷斷續續的問題? Can I change the game title when I stream my gameplay on Twitch? How can I use widget to mute the audio in Creator Central 如果我聽到嘶嘶聲或靜電音,我該如何解決? 如何檢查音訊是否正常運作? 我的控制器觸控板突然停止工作,我該怎麼辦? 如何解決接Ground loop問題(嗡嗡聲)? How can I enable Windows to go standby / sleep mode without unplugging the AX310? 我的控制器觸控面板突然無法操作,怎麼解決呢? Spotify widgets don't respond on AX310. What can I do? What dual voltage power adapter does the package of AX310 include? What is the input and output voltage range? How do I set up a USB/Wireless headset on desktop/Laptop (less latency) 如何修復裝置管理員中錯誤代碼10的裝置。